We are at outpost #1 watching the Sabres getting beat by Carolina 2-0 at end of one. We are really beat up...but the moon in the picture really makes me feel good...that and the Coors Lights that I am drinking. Wanted to go to Birch to watch periods #2 and 3, but Jeanne said she may never go to the Birch again. (See earlier Blog!) This is my first Blog...I am so freakin' excited I could wet my pants...either that or I will go wizzereenoo in the toytoy instead!!!
Did anyone tell you Kevy is here w/ little bopeep? We figure he will be home by noon on Sunday...
Zing dada bing!
holy smokes - this is the most out of control blog i've ever read. you lake folks are whacked.
"E" is right....we better ease up a little! not!
gin is a wonderful thing
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