A Cold and Windy Day at the Lake.
Some stayed inside. (can you say Wimpy?) Dan, Jim, Dave and Gene built a deck at the Salmon Outpost! (can you say Tough Guy?)
The Cain's stopped to take a look at the prgress and check out the Gott-Spot. It was Hots and Hamburgs for lunch.
Us tough guys call it the g-spot.
Wait a second...now, I have been out in much worse weather than that where somebody said...oh no, I can't go outside, it is too cold! I was gonna come down, (I even have my own drill) but I had to listen to Al stories. I haven't heard any all winter! Besides, last time I went down, I felt like a government worker (you know, teacher, state worker, State Senator) standing around just watching everybody else do the work! Let me know when the beer comes out...I am IN!
(I don't know why you are increasing the size of your deck...the old one was just fine!)
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