Spotted this friendly "navel aviator" flying some close air support near outpost#2 Sunday morning. The plane is actually made by Boeing and is better known as a Stearman. It was built in 1942 and has a Reciprocating Lycoming R680-4P-B4 power plant.The dude that owns it lives in Albion and is a friend of the "Whip-a-reno's". I'm hoping to get a ride in this plane sometime this summer!
please transfer your Navy patrol plane to the Mexican border in Texas!
Due to heightened terrorist threat from Canada we need this high tech craft to stay in the Lyndonville area. Put that in your smoke and pipe it!
Actually I am very relieved to know that we have such great security in your area, you never know when "they" will rush Lyndonville!!!!!!!!!! I always support our military!
And great deck, you did a nice job Dan
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