We saw Al & Shirley at the Sabres game , do you think they knew I took their picture?
We got to sit near Sabre Tooth Friday night as the Sabres beat Montreal 8-5. Mike & Faith made us go with them and sit at center ice. They were selling cold 24 oz Blue Lights right near our seats too!
We got to watch last nights game at Coach and Ginny's cottage. It was a little chilly cuz Coach's furnace isn't working. Good thing he installed a propane fireplace which was the gathering place. Sabres beat Toronto 3-1...too bad Miller lost his shutout. That woulda been cool. Then we stayed at our place on Lake O...it was pretty quiet except for the wave crashing against the ice...can't wait for summer!
And no, I am betting Al & Shirley didn't know anything about them getting their pictures taken. Of course it looks like you may have taken about 5000 other peoples picture as well!
Yeah.....We had to wait a whole 37 hours 59 minutes and 18 seconds for the story of the broken furnace at the cottage.....Actually Spencer was a good sport about it, and I only caught Angelfish rubbing her hands together to keep warm twice! We were practically plastered to the fireplace for heat.....heh, new definition for plastered!!!!
Ginger who can't log on
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