Got to help Tim groom the trails on Saturday. This is what the snowmobile trail groomer looks like in case you never saw one. I got to ride facing backwards so i could raise and lower the groomer drag thing that actually flattens out the bumps with cutter blades ,they sort of slice the tops off each bump on the trail. Then a big flat pan smashes the snow down flat on the trail. I had a pretty important job because if i didnt raise the drag at the correct time we could have groomed the pavement right off the roads we crossed! We still have almost a full month of winter to enjoy and there is plenty of snow on the trails for all you snow lovers out there....see you on the trails!!

Angel Fish says.... I think seeing a Seadoo on Lake Ontario, is way cooler looking, than your trail groomer. Sorry! just shoveled the driveway, not to happy with the snow. It is really wet and heavy by the way!!
That is also cool- but we don't have that year around-so we make fun in all seasons! The trail groomer is very cool if you snowmobile. And I do not believe that you should have to shovel- I know a few guys with snowplows!
Is there such a thing as a "snow lover"? I think that is an oxymoron....isn't it?
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