Business has been good at Dan's Sea-Doo shop this spring. This particular machine always presents a challenge as it logs many hours of bone jarring, wave crashing, ski-line sucking fun on the mighty Lake Ontario the previous summer. Good news for the proud owners of this fine heep of fiberglass and aluminum, she started right up and purred like a kitten with the first tap of the start button! Now all we have to do is stop wishing for so many ROCKS in the launch area! Don't forget to click on the ad banners that are on the blog and check out thier really cool web sights, you might get a free beer out of it!
Mechanic Dan- you forgot to mention the stick in the impeller(?)!! Does Bill H know what is happening in the garage every spring?
That Sea - Doo looks vaguely familiar. I'm used to seeing it from shore. Maybe I will get to ride it this summer!
We have to use "our spot" more often this summer. We just didn't get out there often enough last year. Of course, it is already the end of June (not really) and the freakin' things aren't even in the H20 yet! Good thing we got those ramps in so early. This weekend will be perfect (and hot inside Niagara University's Alumni Arena)!
I thought Capt E might comment today....hey Scotty have you seen him around?
I think Captain E is busy saving the world right now. I thought he might get to join us at the lake on Friday but now it looks like our window and siding guy is going to start work on Friday. How Convenient.
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