Matt came home for his brother Ben's high school graduation and stopped at outpost #2 for a visit. Unfortunately I didnt get any pictures of Matt but the Water Vixen made a few new friends. Played a few quick games of beer pong and flip cup before calling it a night. Glad we have a full bottle of Advil for the morning.
I see a lot of red noses and glassy eyes.
Good thing the photographer wasnt glassy
Could you set me up so I can post?
Sure can, do you have a google account or a G-mail address?
I have no idea why are noses I red. I can account for the glassy eyes- VODKA!
See the cool stuff we miss. That is bulls*%t. Oh well...we are in a bigass motorhome returning from DC as I type this! Our friends just called...they have been stuck on an airplane on the runway since 3:30...it is now 7:30. Driving this motorhome is cool! Riding in it is more cool! Next years trip is Park City, Utah. We may need to leave earlier! Zing dada bing!
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