True Warriors! Yes we were. Took the big trip to Toronto for the annual Sring Cottage Life Show along with 32,000 other cottagers! It was an easy trip over thanks to "Danquest" and we arrived without incident.
After 4 1/2 hours of doing the cottage show shuffle the vixen could take no more!
We stopped at the duty free on the way home and stocked up on vodka, we are now ready for cottage season.
I used to be able to post stuff on the blog...but can't do it anymore. Sometimes newer isn't better. Wish I woulda gone to the cottage show, although, I don't think I woulda liked spending an hour to cross back into the good ole USA...especially since I don't knit. What would you do if you had to wizz?
wizzed first @ dooty free!
keep trying
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