Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Drove all the way to Spencerville from the BIG City which is far, you know especially for us City Lakers hoping to go for a ride, only to find out there is no batteries in the SeaDoos. I feel like Al! ROOOOOT! Oh well, as Laura said, it is step #2 in the process (step #1 being the installation of the launch ramps!) It was still pretty calm down there, and HOT. Saw coach as I was pumping $61.00 worth of gas into the SeaDoos (w/o batteries!) OUCH! That may leave a mark this summer! (We can only hope!)


How sweet was this goal! Ive been watching the Sabre since 1970 and I sure hope this is the year. Thats 36 years in case i never mentioned it to anyone. If we lose tomorrow can someone make sure i'm not near any razor blades!

This Weekend

This is what we will be doing this coming weekend! Oh well...only two more tournaments to go! You can all thank us for creating the most spectacular Memorial Day Weekend in history by spending the majority of it in steaming hot gyms! This weekend should be another blinger with two games on Saturday and Graduation on Sunday. You are welcome again! It should be rainy on Friday cuz we can make it. Our games on Saturday are later in the PM!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Lyndonville Navy on patrol

Spotted this friendly "navel aviator" flying some close air support near outpost#2 Sunday morning. The plane is actually made by Boeing and is better known as a Stearman. It was built in 1942 and has a Reciprocating Lycoming R680-4P-B4 power plant.The dude that owns it lives in Albion and is a friend of the "Whip-a-reno's". I'm hoping to get a ride in this plane sometime this summer!

Monday, May 29, 2006

whats on TV tonight?

Memorial Day Re-cap

You couldn't asked for 3 more beautiful days to kick off the 2006 cottage season. Each day was better than the last and Memorial Day was awesome. The lake was flat and the sun was shining. Perfect for those of us with kayaks. The Lydonville Navy (see photo) was out in full force patrolling the shoreline everyday. Luscious (Tanqueray 1) made his annual Memorial Day weekend appearance, but this year he brought a guest. Both left today, before we could say good bye of course, with very nice sunburns.

Okay so here we go: The special moments from the weekend:

  • Luscious Leroy and Krista
  • The Sabres
  • Dan's memory loss
  • Deck work
  • Good food, fun times, great friends!
  • Whipple reno's deck Sunday night at 1:00 am - deer sighting - in the lake! Maybe I shouldn't have had those last two!
  • Parking on the water meter thing(might burst)derrr
  • Kayaking everyday
  • Chicken Parmesean
  • Beer, beer and more beer, washed down with Tanqueray
  • Sure hope the rest of the summer is this much fun!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Mr. Po Po

Mr. Po Po is happy tonight! Good po po!

Sun Set!

Another great sunset on Lake O as seen at "1".

Cain to Milks

Cain to Milks hand - off at the NFL meet 4 x 800 relay.

Ballers at "1"

Ballers, shot callers, at one.

Followers of Captain E!

These three "City Lakers" are having a good time at "1".

Vixen sighting

Saturday, May 27, 2006

New blinking mug tested by local beer drinker

This blinking beer mug hurts my eyes.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Wetting my pants!

We are at outpost #1 watching the Sabres getting beat by Carolina 2-0 at end of one. We are really beat up...but the moon in the picture really makes me feel good...that and the Coors Lights that I am drinking. Wanted to go to Birch to watch periods #2 and 3, but Jeanne said she may never go to the Birch again. (See earlier Blog!) This is my first Blog...I am so freakin' excited I could wet my pants...either that or I will go wizzereenoo in the toytoy instead!!!

Did anyone tell you Kevy is here w/ little bopeep? We figure he will be home by noon on Sunday...

Zing dada bing!

Ready For The Weekend!

Captain E and his side-kick HD Boy!

Freighter on Freighter

Does anyone know what makes this
illusion happen?
Hint: click on the picture for a larger view

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

End of the second period....whew!

Think we can hold on for a victory?

7:55 pm Better??

OK, OK I was trying to be good...

Wed. 2:30 pm Wish you were here!

Well, what can I say? This picture tells it all. It's absolutely gorgeous at the lake today. Brought my laptop, but it's hard to concentrate with the water lapping below me, and this view in front of me! Sorry all you City Lakers have real jobs, and can't be here! Thank God it's almost Friday!!!

Laser Power

Behold the power of the laser.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Just another cool sunset

Thought I would share this sunset taken on 5/17/06 @ 8:31 pm.

Monday, May 22, 2006


Dear Captain E,
Recently I found myself in a situation while relaxing at my cottage. Please study the photo above and let me know what I should do. This happens to me all the time!

Thanks in advance for your expert advice.

This is Captain E!

Captain E is in the House

Captain E is now officially on - line. I will be dispensing "E" advice from time to time. Stay tuned and we can all learn and grow together.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Thanks to Jim,Dave and Gene this is what we were able to accomplish on a very windy day at the lake. I can't thank these guys enough for spending their Sunday helping me with this project, I couldnt have done it with out them!

May 21 - A Windy Sunday

A Cold and Windy Day at the Lake.
Some stayed inside. (can you say Wimpy?) Dan, Jim, Dave and Gene built a deck at the Salmon Outpost! (can you say Tough Guy?)

The Cain's stopped to take a look at the prgress and check out the Gott-Spot. It was Hots and Hamburgs for lunch.

Get Well Wishes

The CityLakers would like to send Jeanne a huge get well wish. There is nothing worse than the flu bug! Especially on the weekend. So we hope you are starting to feel better. We all missed you at the fire last night. Get well soon and we'll see on Memorial Day weekend.

Friday, May 19, 2006

City Laker

Welcome to the new "City Laker" blog. This blog was created by the famous Lyndonville Water-Vixen to chronicle the weekly antics of cottage life along Lake Ontario. Please feel free to add comments and pictures!