Wednesday, October 29, 2008

All Wrapped Up

Scottie Boy once again has his Basketball Hoop already for winter! Don't worry that his brand new $14,000 SeaDoo is outside in the elements uncovered...this bball hoop has to get ready for next years wild basketball games played by all! (If only we could teach Hoosier to play...then it might get some use!) Glad he is good with numbers...

Happy Halloween

I am pretty sure everybody had fun once again at the Upper & Lower GI's house last Saturday night! That is, everybody had fun and made fool's of themselves...

Chicago, Chicago, that toddlin' town

What a fun city Chicago is! Trump Tower where the top floor is going for a mere $20 mil...the Chicago River which turns REALLY green on March, 17th...Wrigley Field, home of the Cubs and next years Ice Bowl...Mae Howling at the Moon! And, finally, what Jeff does after Howling at the Moon...that is, leaning a garbage can on Thack's door, so he is surprised as hell when he opens the door the next is an idea...never let Jeff know what room you are in!!! Zing dada bing!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What did you do last night?

Looks like fun- huh

Monday, October 13, 2008

Cottage idea

This is our cottage before we decided to add on to it
This was my idea for the expansion, Rick didnt like it though.

This was Greg's idea.

Knitting with wine

Denise sipped some wine Saturday afternoon while knitting a sock, i was watching football.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Sometimes there just aren't words....
Look how mesmerized she is!
I Love you. I love you to!