Monday, July 30, 2007

Find the Hidden Items

Can anyone find: 1. Captain E? 2. The Dream Machine? 3. Whip? 4. A hose hanging? (not Capt E's!) 5. Dave Cook? I didn't think so...I couldn't either!

Ben Whipple's Graduation Party

I am thinking that everyone had fun at Ben's graduation party on Friday night! Denise's "Dream Machine" (located in the top picture on the right) was another hit!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

a sad day

It was a very tough saying goodbye to Brent on Saturday we will all miss him

Monday, July 23, 2007

Ralphie and Spencer

Early in the evening on the first Saturday of our vacation. (I know it was early, cuz Ralph wasn't passed out in my chair yet!)

PS...does that new Mopar hat make me look thin?

Two "High Speed" Passes

Spencer was able to capture two high speed passes by Dan and Annette on a GREAT day of SeaDooing on Lake O! Not too bad for someone who doesn't even own a camera. (I am sure they could be enhanced tremendously by a computer guru who knows how to use Photo well as someone who has the patience...Spencer, on the other hand, doesn't!)

Sunday, July 22, 2007


Took a spin out and said hi to the folks on the STV Pathfinder. They were heading back to Toronto. STV stands for Sail Training Vessel . Tall Ship Adventures are challenging and adventurous endeavours conducted aboard ships under sail. Living and working aboard a traditionally square-rigged Tall Ship is a unique and compelling learning environment for the development of self-reliance, self esteem, teamwork, responsibility and leadership in young people. As you can see we prefer the higher speed method of boating like the Sea-Doo adventure.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Where is Spencerville

Spencer gets some footage of some of the shananigans at Denise-O-rama Friday night.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Rochester Trip

We took our annual Rochester trip this week and met our good friend Ray at Bernards Grove for a nice dinner and drinks. Denise presented Ray with a homemade dish cloth then we stopped at Rays for a night cap and a golfcart ride in the rain. Megan got a close up look at a bear and coach checked out the game room.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

ka-bob palooza

Kevin and Pam whipped up a batch of ka-bobs Tuesday night for all the city lakers. The only thing better was the strawberries dipped in chocolate.

Sunday, July 15, 2007


Megan picked up a new water toy for the summer, Ben shows his tubing skills during this run past outpost 2. Can't wait to try it myself this week.

Cheers and beers

Champagne bottles were popping Friday night to celebrate a certain city lakers summa cum laude accomplishment and the kick-off of the July vacation week.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Guess Who Is Coming To The Lake?

Known affectionately as "Loud Mouth Soup", Mr. Devine will be joining the "City Lakers" for the next week. Let the games begin!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Coach & Ginny, Chris & Anita pose at the Hughes Lakeside Resort during a "great party" held in honor of Chris and Anita!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Water Vixen learns to drive

Trapper Jim looks relaxed as Denise shows off her cart driving skills at Rob's party. I did notice however he was belted in securly just in case she had to make evasive avoid a plane perhaps.


Aviation word of the day
NOTAM: "Notice To Airmen". A NOTAM is filed with an aviation authority to alert pilots of any hazards en route or at a specific location.
I'm guessing this pilot (just above the tree line) didnt get one for this airfield that said"look out for go-carts on the runway" Good thing Scott and Whip waved us off just in time for this guy to make a safe landing. Me and Dave exited into the cart pit area !

Friday, July 06, 2007

Dirty Jobs

Thanks to these guys thousands of people got a great fireworks show in Lyndonville. Mike Rowe of the Discovery channel might want to give this dirty job a try someday. They were nice enough to give me a sample of one of the smaller ones while we were taking our yearly back stage tour.
A short video can be seen here:
Coach was speaking a different language after that explosion.

Spencer and Carolyn meet Leon!

This was taken at some bar in Georgetown...this dude was all juiced up on something...go figure. Instead of dropping more coin on drugs, he should go see a dentist!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

When in Lyndonville

We learned a new method for blowing of fireworks, just hold on to them and light them! All this time in Lockport we set them on the ground, lit them and stood back a safe distance. As you can see in the picture Megan is demonstrating the light and hold technique. I think she learned this from her dad.

Light Show @ Spencerville

A large crowd gathered for the 1st annual fireworks show at Spencerville last night. Thanks to Coach and Chris for lighting all this stuff. After all they are professional pyrotechnicians. I hope we can do this every year.

Monday, July 02, 2007

The Tragically Hip

Went to Lewiston Sunday to see "the hip' live at Art Park. Cool place to see a band, Denise got us great seats too. Frank and Kim went with us, Kim loves the hip. She commented after the show they didn't play the one song she knew. They gave our ears a work out as well, the banks of speakers were bigger than my cottage. You can see a short video of Bobcaygeon I took here:

Just in case you weren't sure

The City Lakers are finally getting through to the Natives that beer should be served 1 degree above freezing, therefore it requires ICE. However, it is not necessary to brag about the fact that you have "in fact" put ICE in the cooler by placing a sign on it! But, one thing at a time!

Another fine City Laker

Only a true City Laker would take their Labradoodle for a Sea-Doo ride.

My Man Ralphie

This is a picture of my main man, Big Ralphie. This was after a day of touring Farrish of was Africa Hot that this guy!

Lisa's Buds visit Spencerville!

How cool was this that, Vince, Julie, and Erin came to Spencerville for the weekend? We sure miss Lisa still!